Happy 2021, Surprise!!

Happy 2021, Surprise!!

LMAO!! Hi everybody!

If you’re reading this, happy 2021 to you! It’s been 2 years since the last post, HAHAHAHA! I am amazing with the consistency.

Eh, just wrote this cos I had the sudden thought of checking this place out run across my mind… and wouldn’t you know, Growing Beautifully left a comment on a 2 year old post. PFFTTTT!!!

Anyway, y’all, stay safe, be happy, and all the best in the upcoming year!

And since I’m free now, if we wanna talk dramas, let’s see…

I’ve definitely cut down a lot on K-dramas since early 2019, more so because the k-drama landscape has been barren, yo. But of course, there were some I watched and love like HOSPITAL PLAYLIST (HELLO, MY LIFE, MY DARLING, MY HEARTBREAK, MY OBSESSION!!! WHEN ARE YOU COMING SEASON 2?!) and Stove League. Currently, I’m watching Mr Queen and oh, waittaminute, RUN ON IS MY NEW JBL. AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! But I ain’t got time for full lengths recaps and Dramabeans is recapping it. Just read from there. All I might do here is fangurl over it cos IT. IS. CUTE.

Ah, how could I forget the hauntingly beautiful It’s Okay to Not Be Okay. *Chef’s kiss muah*

Anyway, hit me up for a chat if you see this.

If not, I still wish you the best in your endeavours ahead!

US be looking like some political makjang right about now. 😡

Edit: Wait, wait, why is there like an average of 50 people reading this dead blog every day? Ya’ll, I am shook. And hilariously surprised.

Just Between Lovers Ep 16 FINAL

Just Between Lovers Episode 16:

KangDoo lies prone in a hospital bed, totally passed out as MoonSoo sits in the corridor outside, deep in thoughts. But when he wakes up, what first greets his eyes is a frantic SangMan who flails all over him and whines like a worried mother.

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Just Between Lovers Ep 13

Mom’s reeling from feeling betrayed, and everything comes to a head with her grief as she confronts her family. But this time, it may prove too much for MoonSoo to hold back and she starts questioning if it’s okay to be happy. But the effects of the collapse run deeper than expected and there are more victims than those under it’s rubble.

Continue reading “Just Between Lovers Ep 13”